
Lyrics Waves

We have a fancy for music and applied science and we wanted to make a new project that combines the two domains.

There are words or lines that we associate automatically with a song.
The idea was to illustrate these particular lines from songs through their stereo signals.

The result

A poster series called “Lyrics Waves” that represents in waveforms, memorable lines from songs we love.

We used Audacity for the sound waves and RM Regular for the typography.

Open your eyes and… listen!

01 « Beeeat it »
Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982) – Beat it

02 « Heeeart-less »
Christine and the Queens – Chaleur humaine (2014) – Paradis perdus

03 « Tan-deeem »
Vanessa Paradis – Variation sur le même t’aime (1990) – Tandem

04 « I-ma-gine »
John Lennon – Imagine (1971) – Imagine

05 « To-daaay »
Oasis – (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? (1995) – Wonderwall

06 (Ello Edition) « He-llooo »
07 « La-fau-tive…c’est-toi »
08 (TGD Edition) « Hustle, hustle, hustle to be free »
09 « Mo-ney, Mo-ney, Mo-ney »
10 (Christmas Edition) « Youuu-OuOuOuuuuu »

Check 5 posters series on ello
Check TGD Edition on ello
Check Christmas Edition on ello
